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Meet Tomorrow’s Energy Hub: This Convergence of Sun, Earth and Innovation Aims to Generate 100% Renewable Baseload, Heat and Green Fuels

December 6, 2023

We need more from our energy.

Oil and gas are affordable and reliable, but we must cut emissions. Renewables are a greener solution but powering society, heavy industries and hard-to-abate sectors requires sources that are clean, scalable and baseload.

At Nabors, we are lowering the carbon intensity of drilling while investing in geothermal, concentrated solar power, alternative energy storage, emissions monitoring, hydrogen and advanced materials, to make this a reality.

Today we unveil tomorrow’s energy hub – a vision to unite solar, geothermal and energy storage systems to generate 100% renewable baseload power, heat and green fuels.

Clean, renewable, scalable and dispatchable – the type of energy the world needs.

Learn more about Vast, Sage and Natron, and our other corporate and venture investments.