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AI Engine Management

Successfully optimizing engine usage reduces emissions, provides fuel costs savings, streamlines maintenance and enhances energy storage solutions. Nabors is deploying solutions that recommend the optimal number of engines to run for different operations based on historical and EDR data. Various levels of automation are also available to manage these engine controls.
SmartPOWER™ Advisory

The system applies artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze real-time electronic drilling recorder (EDR) data to proactively forecast and deliver power needs for any operation.

SmartPOWER™ Control

The SmartPOWER™ system manages generators by automating the start and stop of engines. Nabors is also developing an engine de-rating module to account for altitude, coolant temperature, oil condition and filter condition to further optimize decision making.

Key Features

  • Decreased fuel consumption
  • Reduced GHG Emissions
  • Improved engine maintenance
  • Fully automated by connecting to rig generator control system
  • 10-minute forward-looking, predicting power requirements

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